Centrum Transferu Technologii Emag Sp. z o.o. was awarded Made in Poland 2021 prize. This is one of those companies that Poland can be proud of. A remarkable approach of CTT EMAG to connect business and science world is highly appreciated all over the world – especially on the eastern market.
M.Sc Anna Kubańska, a CEO of the company, talking about EMAG’s success
At the beginning of July in Berlin, you received the Made in Poland 2021 award. What does it mean to you?
I am delighted that we were recognized with the Made in Poland title. We are proud that we can be a representative of polish scientific thought all over the world. This title is a recognizing of our efforts and the already implemented ideas in everyday business activity. It is the reflection of the hard work of all our team. I am proud that our engagement in the development of occupational safety systems, geophysics and mineral quality control systems especially, is useful in many countries. I am therefore particularly glad with the fact that we were awarded such a prestigious title which shows that polish scientific and technological thought is useful and needed in many places.
What exactly does CTT EMAG business activity focus on?
The company was founded 10 years ago and since its beginning we have focused on the transfer of scientific-technological solutions into businesses and practical use in the economy as a whole. The main scope of our business activities is electronics, automatics, hydraulics, geophysics and quality assessment of natural resources in widely understood mining sector. Our services are comprehensive and tailor-made client’s needs. From creating the systems and devices, manufacturing to, of course, servicing the equipment.
What distinguishes your services?
Unique and in 100% customer-tailored innovative solutions. These are one of the most important aspects of the attractiveness of our solutions. I have to add that also the approach to our partners, not only business approach, but also cultural and the approach in terms of social customs is crucial. I was especially visible on the Chinese market, where at the beginning of negotiations you always have a common meal, time to get to know each other, and only then you start talking about business. Our company has achieved huge successes in this matter. Thanks to mutual respect to one another, treated as humans, not as bars in the chart, we are able to gain trading partners all over the world. The solutions provided are acknowledged in such countries, as mentioned earlier, China and Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Russia, Vietnam, France or even Columbia. Summing up: seeking international contracting parties and related with its travelling is not only about acquiring business partners but also looking for friends. Without getting to know their culture, accepting and respecting it there is no chance for effective cooperation.
In your opinion, the key to success is…?
The most important is an engaged and highly qualified team of employees, where you find friendly atmosphere. We base on mutual trust and respect, because without it, all the rest will be based on weak foundations and in the time of trial, everything can fail. Furthermore, experience supported by knowledge and the business intuition are also important. I can be said that we follow a rule that success is not the aim, but it is a path. We still have to be careful and incessantly strive for perfection.
Has COVID – 19 pandemic strongly affected your business activity?
In hindsight, I must admit it has not. We reacted quite fast to the situation which started after the outbreak of the pandemic. Change is the only thing that happens to us and it can, in some sense, surprise us. That is why, as I mentioned before, the staff is very important. Instead of panicking, we got down to work and quickly adapted to current realities. I must admit though, that we miss the face to face meetings. Videoconferences are of course useful, but they will never replace building solid relationship. We managed to find ourselves in a new reality, but deep down in our hearts, we hope for fast return of traditional way of acting and work with potential and permanent partner.