
  • Śląski Konkurs Piw Domowych

    Śląski Konkurs Piw Domowych to duchowy spadkobierca Międzynarodowego KPD w Chorzowie. Konkurs z jednej strony nawiązuje do historycznego konkursu, który w latach 2011-2015 był organizowany w Katowicach przez Adama Wróbla, popularnego Pierona. Z drugiej strony konkurs ma na celu zwiększenia rozpoznawalności i podkreślenie jego rangi z punktu widzenia całego województwa. Nie od dzisiaj, wiadomo także, że na Śląsku warzą najlepsi piwowarzy w Polsce. Wierzymy, że dla piwowarów z całej Polski będzie to dodatkowa motywacja by stanąć w szranki ze śląskimi…

    Wednesday August 03

  • CTT EMAG – A recognizable brand in many countries

    The business activity of Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG in Katowice is directed at widely understood transfer of technological solutions developed at the company and at scientific units for commercial entities along with implementing different solutions at business practices. In the recent years our company has actively acted as a consortium member, mostly industrial, in implementation of research and development projects part-financed from public funds. The company’s success is determined by the reputation of products launched to the market, customers’ and…

    Monday January 03

  • Made in Poland 2021

    Centrum Transferu Technologii Emag Sp. z o.o. was awarded Made in Poland 2021 prize. This is one of those companies that Poland can be proud of. A remarkable approach of CTT EMAG to connect business and science world is highly appreciated all over the world – especially on the eastern market. M.Sc Anna Kubańska, a CEO of the company, talking about EMAG’s success At the beginning of July in Berlin, you received the Made in Poland 2021 award. What does…

    Monday January 03

  • Panorama Gospodarcza

    Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG distinguishes by innovation, fresh approach and unconventional action. Thanks to EMAG’s substantial business experience we are a leading company not only on the domestic but also foreign markets. Ambitious and competent staff, tailor-made products and investments in an increasingly more advanced technologies make CTT EMAG grow and develop year by year. In an interview for Panorama Gospodarcza, the President M. Sc. Anna Kubańska, the founder of the company, tells about a great success. Centrum Transferu Technologii…

    Monday January 03

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